Mjesečni sastanak i predavanje 20.12.2021.

Sljedeće predavanje održat će Jan Ryneš, a detaljnije informacije o predavanju (na engleskom jeziku) možete pronaći u nastavku:

Tema predavanja:DNS from attacker’s perspective 
Predavač:Jan Ryneš
Kratko o predavaču:Jan is Solutions Architect in US company Infoblox, that is specialized in DNS-based security. Jan has 6+ years of experience working with various cybersecurity solutions.
Detaljnost prezentacije:Intermediate
Kratak opis predavanja (do 1000 znakova):How attackers are abusing DNS protocol for hidden data communication. Short live example of fileless attack that exfiltrate data from endpoint using DNS protocol. Real attack examples how data can hide inside DNS query.

What we can get out of domain name checks with forensic tools searching multiple databases. How to use such data to proactively protect organizations against attacks.

Almost all session to the internet starts with DNS – therefore this is really the best place to start with security.
Ključne riječiDomain Name Server, Securing DNS, DNS exploits 
Ciljano trajanje predavanja (bez vremena za pitanja članova)60 min.  
Ciljani datum predavanja20.12.2021. @ 17:30 via ZOOM

I ovaj mjesec smo, radi situacije s COVID-19 pandemijom, odlučili održati mjesečno predavanje putem Zoom platforme. Pristupni podaci su poslani članovima putem elektroničke pošte.